The reason I know so much about being late is because recently, I have been late a lot. So I have been telling myself that each time I am late I have to honestly think about what sort of behavior is causing me to be late, and write it down.
1. Schedule the event into your calendar.
If you block out time to be somewhere then you won’t be doing something else when it’s time to go. I amazed myself when I tried to do this. I discovered I had enough on my schedule to last 48 hours a day. It would have been impossible for me to be on time for anything.
2. Practice saying what you need to say.
Here’s a great thing to say: “Excuse me, I hate to cut you off, but I have an appointment.” It is hard to cut someone off, but they will respect you for sticking to a schedule. The higher up you go in corporate life, the stricter the people stick to a schedule. The good news is that this means it’s perfectly acceptable in work life to say this short speech. Get comfortable doing it at work and then you can do it at home, too.
3. Be a time pessimist.
Assume everything will take a little longer than your first estimate. This will either make you right on time for everything, or it’ll make you a little early. People who run early are calm, organized, and always ready. Not a bad place to be.
4. Prioritize.
Some late because they just do not have all the time. The only way to end this is not a plan so much Affairs. Understand that you are not physically able to do so many cases. Define that for you is more important, and do it. Tell people whom do you plan to (your boss, for instance) that you can do what you enough time, and cases located at the bottom of your list of priority cases are made: reality intervenes in your life.
5. Be honest with yourself.
Why do you let yourself be late? It is disrespectful and makes you look unorganized and out of control. Why are you not getting control over your time? Know a lot of the time is really the way to self-knowledge. Sometimes, we are simply afraid to take decisions which we must accept and try to do everything on schedule. But you can't plan your life. Making all on the schedule is a plan life you want to live, and to implement approved plan.
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